
آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...


Company Name Media - Hatem Salem

Job Field Advertising

Job Type Full Time

Job Description Handling the clients’ businesses, professionally and efficiently: seeing that the agency performs all of the implementation functions, developing advertising strategies, Follow up all production procedures; tracking all clients needs, and to ensure its perfectly done, and to maintain Clients records; Ensuring that company standards of customer service are met, and customer complaints are handled in a professional manner.

Offered Salary Not Determined

Submission Date 21/5/2007

Valid Untill 1/6/2007

Required Candidates

Age From 32 To 35 years

Gender Female

Computer Skills Good

Experience Min 6 Max 12 year(s)

First Language Arabic degree : any

Second Language English degree : any

Position Any

Country of Nationality Egypt

City of Residence Cairo

Additional Requirements Good attention-to-detail, strong interpersonal skills, and constant follow-up. Team-oriented, positive-minded individual; Good communication skills - Not Veiled. For more information visit www.mediahatemsalem.com


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